There’s a reason winter is known as cold and flu season. These ailments are common during the colder months, which can lead to uncomfortable symptoms like coughing. While the common cold typically goes away on its own, some conditions may require treatment from an ENT.
Here are some common causes for coughing during the winter and how they can be treated.
Indoor allergens often impact people more during the winter months because we spend more time at home out of the cold weather. Common winter allergens include:
- Pet danger
- Dust
- Mold
You can minimize the impact of indoor allergens by adopting a regular cleaning routine and taking allergy medication. If your symptoms still interrupt your daily routine, you may benefit from allergy shots.
Asthma results in the inflammation and narrowing of your airways, which can make you sensitive to winter irritants like cold air. Because of this, you may experience a dry cough during the winter months. Our team can provide treatment to help you breathe easily if you are experiencing asthma symptoms like coughing.
Postnasal Drip
This happens when mucus drips behind your throat and can be the result of:
- Colds
- Sinus infections
- Chilly weather
If you experience frequent postnasal drip, our providers can work with you to determine what’s causing it and help you find relief.
The inflammation of the tubes that carry air to and from your lungs is known as bronchitis. One of the symptoms of bronchitis is coughing up stick mucous. Additional symptoms include sore throat, headaches or body aches, fatigue, chest discomfort or trouble breathing.
Acute bronchitis may get better on its own within a few weeks, but if your symptoms last longer than that or are reoccurring, you should make an appointment with an ENT.
Influenzas or Pneumonia
A winter cough can also be the result of severe infections like pneumonia and the flu. Talk to your doctor about receiving vaccinations for both illnesses.
Find Relief Today
A cough does not need to be a constant part of the winter season. If this is something you’re struggling with, our providers at [member] can help you find relief. We’ll provide compassionate and personalized care to help you feel your best.